- The child's parent(s)
- At least 1 of the child's regular education teachers
- At least 1 of the child's special education service providers
- A school district representative who is qualified to make decisions about curriculum and district resources
- A person who can interpret implications of evaluation results
- If your child is 14 or older, someone who can discuss transitional services
- The child (if appropriate)
- Other who may have knowledge of the child or who may be invited to attend by the parent or school
The excusal notice must be presented to the parent at the beginning of the IEP meeting or discussed ahead of time. If the excusal is approved by the parent, and signed at the IEP meeting, the IEP meeting may continue. The excusal form is a part of the child's new IEP paperwork and contains the name of the excused party and indicates if written information is needed by the party for the IEP meeting. If the parent refuses to excuse a party from the IEP, the meeting must be rescheduled. There is no exception to this law.
As a parent of an IEP child, I strongly encourage parents to weigh the possible consequences to your child before you agree to excuse a stakeholder. Your fundamental rule must be to NOT excuse any IEP member from the annual meeting regarding your child's educational needs. Of course, there are always going to be emergency situations, and those can be handled on a case by case basis.
Sources Cited
Wright, Peter; Wright, Pamela; O'Conner, Sandra. All About IEPs. Harbor House Press, 2010, pages 10,14
Siegel, Lawrence. The Complete IEP Guide 6th Edition. Nolo, 2009, pages 105-106.