Finding financial resources for formal education beyond high school is not easy. Navigating the world of websites just to locate money can be frustrating, at best, and exhausting, at worst. There are a few things to remember when your search for college scholarships begins. First, start with local scholarships. These are no doubt the easiest to locate and the most likely to be received. Second, a scholarship plan is necessary. Organization is the key as is getting an early start. Third, never pay for scholarship information. It is when there is any fee for information that a scam is most likely around the corner. In my experience as an educator I have seen many seniors wait until their second semester to begin the search for financial support for post secondary endeavors. Many students and parents have no idea when or where to begin and, quite frankly, do not have the time it takes to search out all the possibilities.
My services in the educational realm would be helpful for many families, both those with seniors planning to go to college and those with current college students looking for continued scholarships. I am available to help locate scholarships and can be reached at